Erasmus+ changes lives

Blogi Sotunki maailmalla


Photograph of Bert Vaes


Exactly one year ago, I had the honor to be an Erasmus+ trainee at Sotungin Lukio in Vantaa, Finland. Now it is a memory but still it was a wonderful and unbelievable experience. I learned a new culture in a new country. A country that I didn’t really knew much about but now I’m in love with it.

The school inspired me for an alternative way of teaching and I feel great about it. Since then I enjoy teaching even more than I used to do. And I met a lot of nice people from in and outside the county with a extended my network to an international network of teachers.

My independence improved during this period as well as my desire to explore.

I’d like to thank everyone that supported me, made this possible and everyone I met for giving me such a great time and of course all the teachers and staff of Sotungin lukio.

If you’re considering for an Erasmus or other interational program go for it!

If you don’t consider it start considering now!

Bert Vaes



Vieraskynässä puheenvuoron saavat kiinnostavat henkilöt, yhteistyökumppanit ja toimijat, jotka tarjoavat uusia näkökulmia Vantaan kehitykseen.

Kädet näppäimistöllä.

